Awesome Builder

Drag & Drop Page Builder WordPress Plugin

Awesome Builder is a WordPress Drag & Drop Page Builder and shortcodes generator that offers the best solution you need to build a modern web page in the easiest way ever. You dont have to add any new blocks, just use your current widgets as we support all widgets

Awesome Builder is a WordPress Drag & Drop Page Builder and shortcodes generator that offers the best solution you need to build a modern web page in the easiest way ever.
You dont have to add any new blocks, just use your current widgets as we support all widgets
Thank you for Your Purchase, we hope you make good use of the plugin.

Here is some of the features, you can apply easily to rows

Row margin

  • Click on the settings icon of the row.
  • You can edit the margin between columns here

Row Background

  • Click on the settings icon of the row.
  • You can add Color Background - Upload Background image or Add HTML5 Video Background.
  • Choose the background mode, light or dark to adjust the colors of the text in the row.

Row Width

  • Click on the settings icon of the row.
  • By default the row wont be full width, you can assign it to full width and center your content or make the content and the background full with.


Here is some of the features, you can apply easily to columns

Column resize

  • when hovering on column, you will find the resize helper.
  • Drag this helper to resize the column.
  • Drag the helper on the right column to add new column.
  • Drag the helper to the make the width of the column 0 to delete this column.

Responsive Layout

  • Click on the responsive view on the top for example "tablet".
  • Resize the layout to the design you want to apply in that view.


Elements Features

Here is some of the features, you can apply easily to elements

Element Responsive View

  • When editing the Widget data, you will find 3 icons on the right of the popup window.
  • The Light Color means that this widget will be shown on these devices.
  • Click on any of them to darken the icon and remove it from that view.


  • When editing the Widget data, you will find Animation Word on the right of the popup.
  • Animation Settings should appear.
  • Choose the animation you want and set the duration and the delay in milliseconds.
  • Click Save Changes.

You can use any widget in your website and use the elements setting on it, but if you want to extend these features like our plugin, you can develope shortcode & Widget in the same code and produce Widget & Shortcode in much simpler ways.

See this Link for an example of the widget/shortcode and how you can easily handle it.

In this Section, you will learn about Translating your website.

To translate your website, use the files located in/languages/default.po and open it using POEdit and translate the theme strings to your local language, I only supports now the Arabic translation as it is my native language, any help to translate the website will be appreciated.

After that save it and upload them to library/languages/, for example you saved it as fr_FR.po, a new file will be also created, You must upload both of them to the folder

Now open your WordPress site root and open wp-config.php and make sure that WP_LANG is like this

define('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');

If your website language is supported via RTL, you should enable the rtl from the Theme Options Page.

That’s it, your website is ready for your local language.




Note: You can use PoEdit program to edit the po file.

For Questions about How to use the plugin please put it in the comments page.

If you found any bug please send it to

Please rate the plugin :)